Too Little Affection
You are quite right in believing that there are many people who, because of upbringing, early childhood experiences, and cultural factors, have difficulty being demonstrative with their affection. You are to be applauded and encouraged for your willingness to seek professional help. When children are raised in an unemotional, unaffectionate environment, they often experience various forms of attachment difficulties ranging from difficulty in forming intimate relationships, sharing feelings, feeling comfortable with physical contact, being emotionally detached from people, and so on. The list goes on with many variations.
In some cultures it is very common for people, men and women, hug and kiss one another as a way of greating one another; men kissing men and holding hands is just as common for women. In some cultures and some families it is frowned upon for two men to embrace. Without exploring your specific circumstances it would be difficult for me to tell whether your difficulties are culturally learned behaviors or whether there is an underlying attachment issue or other psychological difficulty with physical intimacy. That would be the function of the trained professional with whom you choose to consult.
I'm in just the opposite circumstances as the lady writing to you. I've left my husband of 29 years because he cannot/will not show affection towards me. I do not know how to help him become more affectionate. I've always been the one in our marriage to show/give affection. Other than counseling, is there something I can give him to read to maybe help him with this? Desperate for some help!!!
I think each person needs to show affection in a marriage- and if you with-hold it or make no effort to show it to your spouse then don't be too suprised when they find someone else who will show affection!
Step it up and show some love. Men and woman need that! And it is fun- try it you may like it! :)
Im with a man who i liturally beg for attention from. I'm a lovable person and love hugs and kisses. can you believe i ask for hugs and kisses. Why? He says he loves me and we live together eat together laugh together finsh each others sentences, as for affection it non exsistent.he acknowleges the problem but his ego refuses to let him ake a change . I give up
I have been married for years and my husband shows me affection. I'm the one who always brings it up (the topic)and all he does is listens, does not respond or act on it. I've told him nicely and calm, I've hinted often, I've made comments to him slightly hinting when watching a romantic scene on t.v., and on days when I could not take it any longer, I've yelled at him because he just won't do anything about it. Please help.
My boyfriend couldn't keep his hands off of me when we first started dating. Then one day I go to French kiss him, and he says "Ewww..." He told me he was just kissing me that way cause he knew how much I enjoyed it. But, he really didn't want to do it anymore... What a shocker, after almost 4 months of doing it. He seemed to enjoy it. But, no, he said we had to stop kissing that way cause he found it gross. So, of course I told him it was okay, I still loved him anyways. And I have regretted staying with him since that day. Now I only get dry pecks on the lips, no romance. But, whenever it comes to oral sex for him, he's anxious and waiting. But, has only reciprocated the same for me 2 or 3 times. A 50 year-old man that doesn't know how to please a woman. I asked him if he was Amish or something, he laughed. We have sex 2-3 times a month "only". He has arthritis and says his back hurts. I am in pain everyday, but hell, I'm up for sex anytime. I don't want to leave him heartbroken. But, whats a woman to do? I'm 46 and had a recent hysterectomy and my sex drive is sky high. Its like being with an old Grandpa or something. Lets see, "Love" or "French kisses", its a toss-up. A woman shouldn't have to ask her man for affection. I'm a fool for still being with him, but there are so many diseases out there if I chose to date another man. So, whats a woman to do?? Can anyone help??
Please help, I have been married to my husband for three years. He is a sweet person, but raised in a home where the father supported the family financially and was the disciplinary figure. He hardly touches me. Even sex. He works at being more affectionate, but we've just had a son. He hardly even looks at him except to change a diaper. He is in the military and spent his last two days with his Dad before he left to Afghan, b/c he couldn't handle his feelings and saying goodbye. He turned to porn b/c he was too embarrased to ask me to be more "adventurous". He has given it up and deleted the emails and profiles. I got him to explain this much to me? Where do we go from here? Can he ever be an intimate, involved husband and daddy? Please help.
I have been married for almost 5 years i am 29 years old and a loving supportive mother and wife, who goes out of her way to please and satisfy her husband. can not get him to understand that i too need the same in return. i tell him my thoughts and feelings so he can not say that he did not know how i was feeling about the situation. I tell him often what i would like from him actually daily and still nothing. i do not understand what else to do -- very confused. they do not understand when you feel alone it leaves room for other thoughts to enter into your mind
I have been with my husband for 10 years and he does not want me anymore. He does not make love to me, and he does not even talk to me. I have ask him before to please leave and he says that the reason he does not is because his problem is hormonal...he is only 30 years
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