Dr. Edward A. Dreyfus, a clinical psychologist, relationship counselor, sex therapist, and life coach, posts articles and information regarding a variety of psychological issues confronting people every day. In addition, he responds to questions about relationships, sexual difficulties, and other concerns that have been submitted through his website.

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Location: Santa Monica, California, United States

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Issues of Trust

I have lived with my boyfriend for 9 months and love him dearly. However, we have trust issues. He is suspicious by nature and reads my emails and constantly 'checks up on me'. He often cites Dr. Phil as an excuse and says there should be total transparency in a relationship. I agree but don't think this should be taken to extremes. He insists on knowing my passwords etc.

There is a big difference between transparency and privacy. Transparency refers to a genuine and open relationship, where no attempt is made to deliberately hide important information from one's partner that might affect the relationship. Transparency offers each partner the opportunity to fully know one another. It requires that each individual voluntarily make an effort to reveal themselves to one another in an effort to be real. While total transparency might be a goal, it does not mean that individuals in a relationship are not entitled to privacy. The concept of transparency does not give license to the parties to violate personal boundaries, to invade personal space, or to be intrusive. Even the most transparent of individuals have areas of thought and action that are not open to public scrutiny. These areas might include reading someone else's mail whether postal mail or email, reading a personal diary or journal, demanding to know the content of all conversations held with other people, etc.

Trust is a two-way street. It suggests that each party will take a leap of faith that says that each believes that the other will not do anything to intentional harm the other person. Trust is gradually built as we learn more about each other. Transparency facilitates trust. When you describe your boyfriend as checking up on you, this suggests that he has not made that leap of faith. He does not respect your privacy. And he is not building intimacy. He seems more concerned about his own insecurities than he is about the affect of his behavior on the relationship. I suggest that either he backs off or that you back out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good relationship is not build in one day. It takes time and tender love and care to really nurture a good relationship. It should be devoid of selfishness, and full of love a bit of self confidence and also mutual respect.

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No amount of college degree is going to help your relationship is you are not willing to sacrifice...

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the relationship has taken or is taking the natural process of getting to know one another and transparency is being exercised, then there is something the other person is questioning. If his history is following him, if he has been cheated on, etc., then the relationship will not grow in the mature, honest direction no matter what you do. Does he have a reason to be suspicious? If not, then he needs some help to "take that leap of faith".

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds more like he has control issues, not trust issues. This seems like he is setting a dangerous precedent and the longer you allow this to happen the more he will take and do. He needs help and so does your relationship. Being able to trust and love another person is a wonderful thing but it does not sound as if this is what is going on here. I encourage you both to get help, hopefully together, so you can decide if this is worth pursuing and making great rather than living in fear and doubt all of the time.

4:09 PM  
Blogger therapist said...

I think that I would have some real issues with this type of a relationship. I love to share things with my partner but that does not mean that I have to share EVERYTHING! There are times when I can use my privacy just like she needs hers and as we are in a totally honest and committed relationship I feel fine with giving that to her as she does with me.

4:09 PM  
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11:45 PM  

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